Friday, December 08, 2006

Subic R.ape Impression

"Smith obviously had no respect for Suzette because she didnt have any respect for herself. "

She has NO strings attached that night and its like she can go out with anyone she likes...
She can get herself drunk to the point of not even remembering her way home.

I cant blame some Marines and witnesses who thinks she's a prostitute
because that is the impression she is giving..
As the saying goes, action speaks louder than words...
They saw her sitting on his lap... caressing, hugging and kissing.. and drinking with them.
She just gave Smith the impression that she's game for anything...

She has given the ticket to the crime and he grabbed the chance.
So Both of them should answer for their acts


Since Smith is found guilty.. it is imperative that he face the decision of the court.

As for Nicole.. since she has plans of goin abroad...

she should be more cautious of her behavior next time she deals with strangers in a strange place..

coz she might send the wrong signals again.

She cant blame other people for scrutinizing her or Smith or the decision of the court because

this story has generated public interest.. But with this story, there is a lesson learned ♥

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