Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Summer 2007: Get Away part1

From smooth flight down to long bumpy rides, I had a good time. The weather wAir_2as as usual unpredictable. Rain pours in from time to time despite that it is summer. But still, the sceneries were captivating and sitting back at home for a day would be a crime. I was hoping i can finish up one volume of Medsurg Brunner book for my entire trip but i only managed to flip a few pages and couldn't even remember what it was all about. So after my vacay, i felt a little guilty.

I left my friends behind but i met really good people during my trip. I was with my family- Plwn_021 mom, dad, sister and except for my brother who was left back home for summer classes. Our new friends would invite us over for dinner or for little excursions around town. It was a small town actually and impossible for you to get lost for as long as you kno w how to read and you know where you live. We stayed near the beach in Puerto and it was really cold at night and warm in the mornings. But the people are always warm and welcoming. They have been accostomed to bakasyonistas from Filipinos alike to foreigners.

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